Health & Safety
A comprehensive set of policies and procedures are implemented at Little Maples. This information details the standard you can expect from us. Health and Safety is of utmost importance in our service and is instilled throughout the centre.
We take reasonable steps to ensure that hazards to children on the premises, both inside and outside are minimised and we are aware of, and comply with, Health and Safety Regulations. All our staff are trained to have an understanding of Health and Safety requirements for the environment in which they work.
At Little Maples, we have named a Health and Safety representative, Glenda Farnan.
At least two members of staff with a current First Aid training certificate (relevant to infants and young children) is on the premises or on outing at any one time.
Our premises and outside area are secure and children are unable to leave them unsupervised. We have an effective system in place for managing access to the premises, ensuring the utmost safety of the children in our care.